Privacy Policy

Who we are

This statement and our Privacy Policy applies to Arrayen AI Pty Ltd (ABN 89 659 316 319) in relation to personal information collected by Arrayen and contains some of the highlights of our Privacy Policy.

To find out more about our privacy practices please read the summary below.

Arrayen supports the importance that the community places on the maintenance of informational privacy of individuals’ personal and sensitive information. This extends to the collection and management of information held in its records regarding individuals.

Arrayen’s Privacy Policy is to inform people of:

How and when Arrayen collects personal information;

How Arrayen uses and discloses personal information;

How Arrayen keeps personal information secure, accurate and up-to-date;

How an individual can access and correct their personal information; and

How Arrayen will facilitate or resolve a privacy complaint.


It is Arrayen’s usual practice to collect personal information directly from the individual that personal information concerns. The types of information we collect are listed here. Sometimes, we may request personal information from you which consists of sensitive personal information. The types of sensitive information we collect are listed here.

However, sometimes Arrayen may collect personal information from a third party. If we have collected personal information from a third party we will, whenever reasonably possible, make you aware that we have done this and why unless special circumstances apply, such as when we have been provided the information from your employer or the party on behalf of whom you are providing your services to, or from such other parties or for such other reasons as those listed in our Privacy Policy.

In certain circumstances, we request your assistance in generating a unique identifying code to link any answers you may provide us to one or more questionnaires over the course of a project (or multiple projects). The code will be stored securely and kept confidential by the research team at Arrayen. After the project is completed, your personal information will be deleted and any reports created as a result of the answers to the questionnaires will be aggregated and anonymised without any reference to any individual participant.

Use and Disclosure

Arrayen only uses and discloses personal information for the purposes for which it was collected, which are directly related to one of our functions.

Arrayen will generally only disclose your personal information to those parties external to Arrayen where those third parties assist Arrayen in carrying out its services or are a related party to Arrayen. Examples of those organisations are listed here (paragraph 5.1).

Credit Reporting Policy

To the extent you provide Arrayen with personal information which is credit information or to the extent we collect any credit information about you from a third party or offer you terms of payment of your account with Arrayen greater than 7 days, Arrayen’s Credit Reporting Policy shall apply.

Cross Border Disclosure

It is possible that some of the information collected by Arrayen may be disclosed to our related bodies corporate, contractors, agents and service providers outside of Australia. You consent to your information being disclosed to a destination outside Australia for this purpose, including but not limited to the United States of America, Canada and the United Kingdom and you understand and acknowledge that Australian Privacy Principle 8.1 will not apply to such disclosures of your personal information.

Security and Access

Arrayen takes steps to protect the personal information we hold against unauthorised access, loss, use, modification or disclosure. Please see here (paragraph 9) further information, as we require you to notify us should the personal information we collect from you need updating.

Arrayen’s Obligations

Arrayen is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). For more information, please see our complete Privacy Policy.

How to contact us

For further information or to make a complaint, please contact Arrayen at or contact us on 1300 124 319